Last weekend we were invited to Natalie's 11th birthday party. They had swimming and water balloon fights and a water slip n slide. The kids had a blast.

Mason getting ready to hit someone with a water balloon!

Ava was just so fascinated with all of Natalie's friends, that she would just stand by them and watch. i guess she is hoping to be like them one day.

Enjoying her slice of the birthday cake

Ava and her Uncle James...just being silly!!

Uncle Carlos feeding Ava cake...she thought it was fun to run off and then run back for more!!!

As you can see Ava is just in a diaper....that is because we thought she was done and we put her regular clothes back on and she wasn't. She climb right back in there. She loved it anyway!

Paul playing with Abby...It seems like those two have a connection! It is cute to watch him play with her and she loves it!

Ava got hurt playing so of course she ran to her Aunt Heidi...she sure does love her Aunt Heidi!!!
Even though Ava has her mommy's personality, she looks sooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhh like Aunt Heidi when she was that age. God mothers do have a special connection with their godchildren! :-)
Lots of love,
And I love my Ava Rose!!! And Mason, Abby, and Abram too, of course. :)
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