We took a trip to New Orleans on Saturday since we really haven't done anything summer as a family. We first went to the Saints practice , then the Children's Museum, and then to the River Walk for lunch. It was a little hot but I think the kids had fun.
Mason crabbing out of the boat!
Mason serving the food
Notice she has prepared Spaghetti with Bologna on top!!
Daddy and Mason waiting patiently for the food
Shopping in the pretend grocery store
Ava just loved shopping in the grocery store..can't you tell!! 
She is going to be a cashier just like her mommy. My first job was a cashier at Kroger.
Mason watching the Mr. Rogers trolley go back and forth...I think he should have stayed there forever.
Josh and Mason putting on a puppet show.

Watching how to make fudge at the River Walk
We had to leave a little early because Mason started breaking out in hives...Poor thing...he was miserable!!
Wow, I think that Huck and I need to take a fieldtrip to this museum. It looks like so much fun!!!!!! Poor Mason, I don't know how he was able to enjoy any of it with his allergic reaction to whatever it was--glad it's better now. Ava always seems to have fun where ever she goes--especially if it involves shopping. Abby just doesn't know how much fun she missed out on, but it is great to have one who is so laid back. ;-)
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