Abby turned one on May 15, 2009. She had her 12 month check up and shots. She did great. She weighs 18lbs., 28 inches long and her head circumference is 43.5. Because our weight is not at 20lbs. we can not turn forward facing in the car seat. We were so hoping that we could. She would much rather be looking forward. But we will have to weight. We are no longer on baby food and no longer on formula. She is doing great. We did find out though that she is allergic to eggs. So we have to be careful with that. She is truly a blessing and a joy. She is always so happy and content to play by herself, unless that is when one of her older siblings come and mess it up.

Waiting for Daddy to put together her new toy for her birthday!!
Waiting for Daddy to put together her new toy for her birthday!!
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