We got a little craving for some crawfish this weekend and invited Heidi and James and the Louque family over for a little crawfish boil.

Heidi teaching Mason how to peel his own
crawfish...by the end of it he was doing it all by himself. Every time a new batch would come out he would come running saying he wanted more.

Yes both of them wanted
crawfish. Josh and I could not peel it fast enough. Even Aunt Heidi was trying to peel too.

Ava's first taste of
Crawfish and she LOVED it. Could we have guessed any different?!?!?!
That's our little Cajun GRANDchildren!!! They know what GOOD food tastes like--yum-yum!! :-)
Your mommy and dadddy are learning how to cook Cajun style!!
Gamma and Huck
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