As I was outside with kids yesterday...I decided to examine my flower beds and plants for new growth. I was pleasantly surprised that we have so many things budding around our house. I always welcome Spring time...with the expectation of allergies! This is probably one of my favorite times of year, because of all of the plants and flowers just make everything so colorful! I have taken some pictures of what is blooming at my house.
Last fall I decided to plant some Tulip bulbs around the house...although I have never planted them before, I was very excited to see them popping out of the ground. They are suppose to be a bright pink/red color..we will see!! The only thing now is...we can't have any more freezing temperatures. I also have to watch the kids because they sometimes go stomping through the flowerbeds and some of the tulips are hard to see right now.
These are my Indian Hawthorns and as you can see they have tons of new blooms on them.
This is my Knockout Rose Bush that I have on the corner of my house...that I can view from my kitchen window. These are probably my favorite. These was the first time in probably a year that we cut them back. I did not get a chance to get a before picture, but they were taller than the 6ft. fence and pretty wide. My Mother-in-Law has been telling me that we are suppose to cut them back twice a year, but I could not bring myself to do it. So February was the month that you are suppose to cut them. They were so pretty and we chopped them down...hopefully they grow back. She says they grow back thicker and prettier. We shall see.
This is my Hydrangea, with bluish purplish flowers. This is another favorite of mine. I do not cut this bush back, because it grows new buds on the same stems. If you looks closely you can see the green buds.....